All microservices on the Microbus
subscribe to handle control messages on the reserved port :888
in addition to any subscriptions they create for their own use case.
The :888/ping
endpoint enables runtime discovery of microservices. The ping handler is subscribed to both the hostname of the service and to the special host all
, allowing the discovery of replicas of a specific microservice, or of all microservices.
To discover all instances of
using the Publish
method of the connector:
ch := con.Publish(r.Context(), pub.GET(""))
for r := range ch {
res, err := r.Get()
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
fromHost := frame.Of(res).FromHost()
fromID := frame.Of(res).FromID()
Or use the controlapi.Client
that abstracts the internals:
ch := controlapi.NewMulticastClient(svc).ForHost("").Ping(ctx)
for r := range ch {
fromHost := frame.Of(r.HTTPResponse).FromHost()
fromID := frame.Of(r.HTTPResponse).FromID()
To discover instances of all microservices replace the hostname
with the special hostname all
ch := con.Publish(r.Context(), pub.GET("https://all:888/ping"))
Or with controlapi
ch := controlapi.NewMulticastClient(svc).ForHost("all").Ping(ctx)
The :888/config-refresh
endpoint indicates to the microservice to contact the configurator to refetch the values of its config properties.
The :888/trace
endpoint indicates to the microservice to export all tracing spans belonging to the requested trace ID (as indicated by the id
argument) to the OLTP collector.