
Creating a Microservice

Step 1: Create a Directory

Create a new directory for the new microservice. If you expect the solution to have a large number of microservice, you might want to create a nested structure.

mkdir mydomain/myservice

Step 2: Initialized the Code Generator

Create mydomain/myservice/doc.go with the go:generate instruction that will run the code generator.

//go:generate go run github.com/microbus-io/fabric/codegen

package myservice

Step 3: Generate service.yaml

From within the directory, run go generate to create an empty service.yaml template.

cd mydomain/myservice
go generate

Step 4: Declare the Functionality

Fill in the characteristics of the microservice in service.yaml, and go generate to generate the skeleton code for the new microservice and its client stubs.

Step 5: Implement the Business Logic

Implement the functionality of the microservice in service.go and test it in integration_test.go.

Run go generate a final time to update the version number of the microservice.

Step 6: Add to the Application

Add the new microservice to the application in main.go:

    // Add solution microservices here

Repeat this step for each new microservice.